Stephen Wolfram has made the complete text of his New Kind of Science (a 1000+-page treatise on the way that virtually everything in the universe can be explained with cellular automata), which he self-published a couple years back with some of the squillions of dollars he’s earned on his seminal Mathematica software program, available for free on the Internet ~ via Boing Boing Blog
I read the preface and will probably find some time later to check this book out. I like free books online … it’s good for people like me who find books very expensive nowdays and tough on the budget! But, the attraction for me in reading this book is it sparks in my mind what a New Kind of Theology could be … or a New Kind of Ecclesiology or a New Kind of Missiology … or a New Kind of Spirituality, the list goes on … (that was sparked after reading McLaren’s The Church on the Other side and A new Kind of Christian)