“Christians are spending far too much time complaining about liberals, and far too little time seeking the kingdom of God” ~ Postmodern Areopagus
Well that was a good quote for the day! And right under neath this quote emergingchurch.info was nice to include me on their this months’ pick of the blogs 🙂
A great quote. What do you see as crucial for us Christians to understand as our responsibilities and obligations as both a citizen of our temporal nation and the Kingdom of God?
From your comment in my blog :
i believe we are first and foremost Christ-followers.
Bob says : I agree.
And part of that I also believe being responsible citizens and for some there’s a “calling” to be politicians just like I’m called to be a “pastor”. I guess, I’m just wary when we stick too close to the “powers” that we lose our “prophetic” edge and yet in our country our Christian voice is already very minor.
Bob says : That too is a valid concern. The challenge and earnest prayer request is to learn how to walk the fine line and maintain balance.
And of course, I think lazing around and doing nothing but coffee shop politics talk is not a direction I like either. 🙂
Bob says : Plenty of that going around already LOL
BTW, Congratulations on your site being picked! Should make a visit to Bangsar LC one of these days 🙂