i’m glad I managed to share a little at Sunway College Christian Fellowship. I’m not sure whether I confused them more by my presentation style but they looked pretty interactive in their eyes then stoned. 🙂
The post-CF meeting at A&Ws was good … one of them commented that I’m the first speaker who actually joined them for dinner!!! I must admit that felt good. And it made me wonder, are we pastors or leaders-type rushing around too much that we miss good old relationship times? … for me I learnt as much as they did around the open conversations after finishing our Mozza burgers, Root bear float and waffles! Both the food and thoughts were yummy!
I’ve really enjoyed my interaction with college university students lately and older secondary school students. Their hearts cry, and observations plus insights have been very helpful to me personally.
Managed to pop in the Kairos Seminar discussing on the Passion of Christ. The three panel speakers did very well actually in my opinion.
I also enjoy listening to the so called “Christian thinkers” or intellectuals. There’s always space to “push” myself a bit more in this area and not be complacent with where I am. I guess, if the students keep me to the ground, these guys allow me to fly a little bit. 🙂
The three areas were … Talk 1: Pastoral and Evangelistic relevance of The Passion of the Christ
, Talk 2: Critical Perspectives on Jesus films, and Talk 3: The Crucifixion: Historical Context and Theological Significance. All three I felt somehow able to sqeeze through to the about 250 crowd. I enjoyed it with or without the multisyllable words 🙂 too bad right now the movie is banned in Malaysia. hmm ….
I’ve yet to watch the movie and have already decided to do so as the hype is already cooling off. In Malaysia, not much hype actually. I guess, I need to watch it to really have something to say. Oh .. well … in due time.
Hehe.. The post-meeting meal at A&W’s reminds me of Neo spending time with the kids and parents in one of the chapters before ‘French Fries and the Kingdom of God’…