“The church is not simply a gathering of well-meaning individuals who have entered into a social contract to meet their privately defined self -interests. It is, instead, an intentional and disciplined community witnessing to the power and presence of God’s reign.” ~ Missional Church, Darrell L. Guder (ed.) Eerdmans 1998 (Thanks signposts for the reminder!)
As I’m getting ready to go home back to serve in Bangsar Lutheran Church , Malaysia, I’m once again reminded of the book that seriously challenged me and turned my heart and mind inside out and upside down. And yet, on the more hopeful side, the concepts I discovered there helped me have some directions to integrate theology and methodology. I still find myself unpacking so much there even until today … and the framework has helped me re-think church, our mission, and even my own Christian faith in this fast-changing world as well as open up some directions theologically and practically for the future.