…A Psalm for Maundy Thursday:
(via Wes Roberts)
Lord Jesus Christ
You sat at supper
with your friends.
It was a simple meal
that final one
of lamb
unleavened bread
and wine.
You went out to die.
How many other meals You shared
beside the lake
fried fish and toasted bread
at Simon’s banquet hall a feast
at Lazarus’ home in Bethany
the meal that Martha cooked
on mountain slope
where You fed hungry crowd
at close of tiring day.
Please sit with us tonight
at our small meal
of soup and rolls and tea.
Then go with us
to feast of bread and wine
that You provide
because afterward
You went out to die.…by Joseph Bayly
…from “Psalms of My Life”
Here’s a basic outline we did tonight (based on the Maundy Thursday liturgy here)
The Christian Passover Meal
Maundy Thursday 2005
Song: A New commandment
A new commandment I give unto you
That you love one another as I have loved you
That you love one another as I have loved you
By this shall all men know that you are my disciples
If you have love one for another
Scripture Reading:
John 13:1-15
Washing of Feet
Scripture Reading:
Exodus: 12:21-36
A Responsive Lesson
The Father prays while breaking the unleavened bread:
Thank you, Lord God, for rescuing your people and bringing them out of slavery. Thank you, Loving Father, for rescuing us from the slavery of sin and through the death and resurrection of Jesus bringing us to fullness of life in your Kingdom. Amen
The Father explains that we are about to eat a special meal. Set before the Father is: salt water, bitter herbs (celery and parsley), flat bread, egg, and roast lamb.
Child: Why are we eating this special food?
Father: We are eating this special food to help us remember. The salt water reminds us of the tears the Israelites shed when they were slaves. The bitter herbs remind us of the bitterness of slavery and of our slavery to sin. The flat bread, made without any yeast, is a reminder of the bread the Jewish mothers baked to take into the desert. In the same way that this bread is free of yeast, let us thank God that through Jesus we can be free of sin.
The egg is a symbol of life. The eldest sons of the Israelites were glad to be alive. It reminds us that Jesus died so that we who believe in him can live with him forever.
Child: What is the meaning of the roast lamb?
Father: The roast lamb reminds us of the lambs whose blood saved the first born of the Israelites. It also is a reminder of Jesus, whose death on the cross saved us from our sins. He called himself ‘the Lamb of God’.
Sharing: Making a connection from the Passover meal to the 1st Holy Communion
The host of the house offered a prayer of thanks giving.
Special adapted 4 fold toast:
– for Christ’s forgiveness of sins
– for Christ dilevering us from the fear of death
– for Christ’s victory on the cross over the forces of darkness, evil and Satan
– for looking forward to Christ’s final coming when there will be no more tears.
Song: Seek Ye First
Seek ye first the kingdom of God
And His righteousness
And all these things shall be added unto you
Allelu, alleluia
Man does not live by bread alone
But by every word
That proceeds from the mouth of God
Allelu, alleluia
Ask and it shall be given unto you
Seek and ye shall find
Knock and the door shall be opened unto you
Allelu, alleluia
Short explanation fo children’s coloring booklet on “Tell us about the Passover Meal” (with a link to the Holy communion and Christ’s work on the Cross)
Almighty God,
we receive new life
from the supper your Son gave us in this world.
May we find full contentment
in the meal we hope to share
in your eternal kingdom.
Father, we offer ourselves as to you
as a living sacrifice through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Send us out in the power of your Spirit,
to live and work to your praise and glory. Amen.
It seems that we have to accept, imperfect as we are, that Christ wants us to be the disciples for His Kingdom-
a privilege it is to gather together…
and wanting to embrace all those that simply could not be invited due to logistics-
Sivin, your photography rocks!!
Thanks, Sivin, for leading the service last night. It was beautifully done, with much meaning and a wonderful timeof fellowship and reflection on the Lord’s love.