Writing the Message
I quickly downloaded the MP3s to hear what went behind the scenes in Eugene Petersons’ effort to produde the Message.
emerAnt: The Skinny on the Global Emerging Church
All in one page links and still being updated. Facinating stuff.
Rick Warren on Larry King Live
Quick bedtime reading for tonight. Wow! He get’s a one to one interview!
Weary … and a bit on Generous Orthodoxy
Messy Christian does it again … getting loads of comments (she’s got a gift for that *grin*). But, it’s even more interesting that her thoughts made way to a Grace@work e-commentary. And the phrase Generous Orthodoxy actually made me pick out a Stanley Grenz book I didn’t finish (whcih I should re-start).
A friendly critique of Emergent No
I’m still amazed by the amount of energy in the Emergent No website. Then again this friendly critique is so needed.
humans are not ants
It’s hard to sleep with such quality blogging! Thanks Maggi …