I really enjoyed playing bass after such a long time. I don’t do anything fancy but I loved the whole atmosphere during our practice for the coming church anniversary this Saturday. I think the liturgy was very thoughtfully crafted out with a good selection of songs as well as personalized elements from our life as a church.
Nice to have a little time with Elysia before she fell asleep (I tried to accelerate that process *grin*) It’s not just the smiles, there was kind of a little baby talk to welcome me home. BTW, I’m always fascinated by baby hands and feet … thus the photos above 🙂
Got the official reports today for the upcoming convention for our denomination at the end of the month. It’s interesting to read the tone of the whole report – what is put in, what is left out, what is highlighted, what is downplayed, loads of stuff ….
I was intrigued by an interesting conversation on publishing this week. Perhaps it showed my naive-ness, or more so my creativity or openness for innovation is less shared by others. Which is ok 🙂 and yet, it raises questions for me … on how we seek to use the “medium” to portray ourselves or our views. Or deeper, how Mcluhan’s phrase “The medium is the message” applies and reflects the choices we make in how we write or even publish.
It’s strange how out-of-control our world is. Baby’s can be born a little bit earlier or later (so no date prediction is fool-proof). Computer software can just act weird and not function when we need it too. We fall sick especially when we can’t afford to. Weather is always unpredictable. And yet, … surprises that allow God’s grace to leak through 🙂 or better shine through the cloud of chaos is so refeshing. Emails/comments from authors, delightful contact and connection, guitar licks that that lift up my heart, a dance that draws me closer to the divine, needed nap to re-orientate the body, a REALLY fun & stimulating Skype conversation between 4 of us …
Great to have some silence and space to put down some random thoughts.