There’s something special about walking through the Stations of the Cross …
even lighting up the candles to set the stations up and blowing them out before I go home is part and parcel of the whoel experience for me.
But the greatest sense of fulfilment is when I see people coming and having the “Space” to allow Jesus to meet them and the Spirit to move amongst them. Tonight, I know there’s one new friend who’s not yet a Christian and I’m praying for her to meet Jesus.
There was a little post-session debrief which opened up insights on how different people responded in unique ways as they “journey to the Cross” with Jesus. The needed “pause” is critical in times like these which is “drowned” by darkness and the sight of the “light” that can’t be swallowed up is “freeing!”.
I didn’t have a chance to make my own journey yet. Managed to take some pictures … I hope to walk it prayerfully unhurried. The Stations of the Cross has become for me an important yearly discipline to come close to Christ. And in that process, allow my heart to disentangle from anything “suffocating!”.
I like the simplicity of the stations this year.
A special was the inclusion of an Eastern orthodox icon for Station 13. That somehow served as a “window” to someting deep.
Looking at the station done with the help of the children that had the 12 disciples lined up caused me to see myself standing there as well. The question of the tempation of “betrayal” is always a challenging one. Kyrie Eleison.
The night will fade quietly… I’ll be off to snuff the candles now. Perhaps with a little debrief with the last two participants.