How to Write More Clearly, Think More Clearly, and Learn Complex Material More Easily (HT: Fernando Gros)
Content is great … powerpoint presentation so so. My blog commenting will improve too!
Top 10 Strangest Lego Creations
It’s still my favorite since I was young. Looking back I think playing with Lego has shaped me somehow. I’m passing on my “treasures” to Gareth and Elysia!
The Rise of Neo-Fundamentalism
Sobering … “There is a conviction among Neo-Fundamentalists that one can’t err if one gets too conservative, but that is the sin of what I called “zealotry.””
Exploring the role of women in missional churches of the western world…
Discussed this in the context of the “Orang Asli” (Aboriginal) ministry on Friday.
Scum of the Church: How the drive for “excellence” is driving young adults from the church
Young adults getting more airplay these days.
Seven Thesis @ Testimony
how does “Testimony” connect with preaching? 🙂