THE 2006 WILLIAM BELDEN NOBLE LECTURES I’m listening to the first lecture now … The Right Reverend N. T. Wright, Bishop of Durham, England Introductions by The Reverend Professor Peter J. Gomes October 23, 2006 “God the Creator: The Gospel in a Gnostic World” (mp3) October 24, 2006 “Jesus the Lord: The Gospel and the…
Day: January 25, 2007
The Bible Experience – NT
I stumbled on The 2disc Mp3 version at Glad Sounds Jaya SS14. I’ve always wanted to “listen” to the Bible … and this version really raises the bar and sets the standard in terms of the quality of audio Bible reading. I’ve just finished listening to the whole Gospel of Luke (started last night), continued…
Good Looking Baby: Slightly more solid Church
My friend Jason Clark in UK is one whom I’m listening too (and I miss the fun we had when we last met some years ago face to face, I still remember the prayer in the van before the train ride) … I read the following with much excitement and interest on his post Slightly…
Friends 2007: QRoH Notes 37
Nice to see the event get some “airplay” at the following sites and blogs: Seminari Theoloji Malaysia, Council of Churches of Malaysia, Sherman Kuek, Alex Tang and Bob Kee I found Bob’s entry good … because first it highlights another worth while event the 4th National Congress On Integrity which is focused very much on…