Here’s a comment I left on another blog … “There’s a need to distinguish “intellectual masturbation” which lands up with no real life emerging to “genuine faith engaging with understanding” which gives birth to a healthier faith (mindless ranting about the church reflects more about our hang ups rather than real intellectual engagement at its…
Day: April 9, 2007
Random (Easter) Links 143
Face to faith (HT: Si Johnston) Bishop Tom Wright always has a way to grab your attention … “When Easter stops being a surprise, it stops being Easter. … “ The Season of Easter This will raise some eyebrows and provide food for thought in terms of “contextualization” …“Easter is an English word derives from…
Random Thoughts after Easter Sunday
I’m glad I survived my “translation” assignment for my Bishop during the special thanksgiving church dedication and anniversary celebration at Sunway Lutheran congregation. Sometimes I felt my mind went blank or at least I wasn’t as sharp as I should me. The vocabs were getting jumbled up, I landed up doing some level of paraphrasing…