I saw this book at Gladsounds Bookstore for many years. Finally I got it because it had 60% discount!!! It’s thin 88page book. When I showed it to some friends over dinner one night, the few who looked at it gave me a “wow this looks like a complicated book” look 🙂 The Light of…
Day: April 19, 2007
The Revised Common Lectionary – Vanderbilt
I’m sitting here having a fresh look at the various texts which will serve as my “lenses” to see the world in this great 50 Days of Easter. I’m a little intrigued how I have landed up loving the “lectionary” way of reading the Bible. 🙂
Community or Communitas?
Here’s some precious insights on “community” highlighted by Pastor Rod that connects with a lot of what is on my mind the past weeks. There is a lot of talk in the church about community. But there seems to be too little experience of true community. Anthropologist Victor Turner suggests that we should think about…