“What have we become?” … “How did we let this happen?” … “What shall we do now?” … Kyrie Eleison
Malaysian judiciary hits rock bottom
“The oligarchy of wealth and privilege” … Anil Netto stresses the point here on how the “content” of the video, “Gives a whole new meaning to the word “muhibbah” – while they divide-and-rule the rest of the country, secure in their own positions of wealth and power.”
I think there was song which goes … “you will not walk alone?” While there are many stereotype lawyers jokes similar to what we pastors get on and off. One thing we have in common (at our best) is we have committed ourselves to a set of vows which go beyond personal interest and career development … it’s a matter of calling and vocation!
Deal with the Rot, Not the Tape
Good quick summary and more …
In the light of recent events … what do the following words mean? Perhaps, apart from all this talk about cultural and national identity, we also need to work harder on the social climate in this what we aspire for can genuinely materialize.
“What is your personal wish for the nation’s 50th year of independence?
That every Malaysian look upon himself or herself as Malaysian first without losing his ethnic or cultural identity and religious beliefs. I believe that Malaysia, if you look at it with an open heart, is big enough for every community and group. We should really move forward.”
Migrant workers vs expatriates – Our double standardsThanks friends who are helping me “see” what I’ve never noticed before.
Critical Thinking 101 for Anak Bangsa Malaysia
My mom studied until standard three … she’s got pretty good critical thinking skills – not very academic but wise.
“Critical thinking is also not about running in the streets screaming for this or that change; it is a process of intellectual embodiment and the democratisation of one’s personal understanding of the intellectual basis of change.”
MCCBCHST, will you defend our secular constitution?
It takes some practice before one can say “MCCBCHST” without missing a letter … and now they’ve been getting quite a number of letters :-) We need to get more to “tango”!