How Can We Make A Difference? – Conversations on Politics and the Kingdom
We are meeting today, 2.30pm at BLC with Bro. Goh Keat Peng (MCCBCHST) and Rev. Dr. Hermen Shastri (CCM & CFM)
YB Zaid, you don’t belong in UMNO!
I need to learn how to come up with blog posts titles like this … 🙂 Anyway, bravo to the 5036 and Haris! But there is still more work to be done!
“It is people like Hishamudin who should be heading the judiciary”
Here’s another great title .. which pulls you in :
The right to a free(d) Judiciary
This discussion is not going away soon …
Jerai MP to Karpal: Now you are sitting in a wheel chair. God has punished you!
MPs shouldn’t get away with statements like this.
Michael Backman is at it again, This time on Pak Lah!
I know it’s not nice when people outside our country comments (criticizes) us …maybe there’s not much love in it, but if there is truth in it, perhaps those inside the country should do something about it?
Some Victories, Some Hope and Some Reminiscence
Good question: “What effect did Operasi Lalang have on you?” … I was 15.
Hartal: 10 tahun sebelum merdeka, 10 years before independence
Good example of “… using art as an agent for change; to produce new ideas and generate critical thinking”.