I’m glad the wedding went smoothly last Saturday … it’s a privilege to conduct weddings for friends. ๐ Plus, it’s always nice to slip into my “jedi” mode …
Feeling a little bit more excitement now as Baby No. 3 … will be arriving any time now. I think the due date is end of this week but May Chin seems to be telling me maybe he will come early. We’ll see. Appreciate prayer.
Another little bonus excitement is the arrival of the new blogging-research-surfing-entertaining-whatever-machine (i.e. new notebook) which should be due the next few days too. My current notebook has served me well and traveled with me overseas and journeyed with me tremendously the past years. But it’s time to upgrade .. and that’s fun:-)
I’m looking forward to my monthly accountability group tomorrow. This practice of meeting monthly with another at least two men in ministry has kept me sane the last few years. And beyond that, it has enriched me and broadened my horizons. I realized that this practice is not a norm for Christians and even Christian workers. The reality of finding the right mix and chemistry in a group is always a challenge. But all forms of community there’s also hard work even after the initial breaking ice honeymoon stage. Whatever we can say about community formation which relates to our personal spiritual formation – TRUST is an essential component. The environment of safety is another … and the common vision or desire to see the best in each other as well as the development of the best in each other is crucial. Of course, in that process whether it includes lots and lots of conversation, some degree of reflection and spiritual input, confession of sins, offering of absolution in prayer, and so on … we confront our sins, our fears and our demons as well …
The potato and chicken dish at Mom’s house was superb. Simple and yet superb….
Had some fun with Gareth today after school and Elysia as usual spins wonders into the air with her antics. Driving May Chin to and fro from work the past few days reminded me of how I used to serve as her driver at one of her previous jobs. Lots of talk happens in the car, especially when traffic is bad. I’m a captive … audience!
I’ve heard loads and loads of complaints about churches and pastors in my limited lifetime. It even started when I was younger, just eavesdropping on my father’s conversations with people. So, I’m no stranger to that. But last week to my delight and great encouragement, I heard stories of our my fellow pastor friends went beyond the role of duty to help those who truly had no one else to turn to. Not church members, not people who could give anything back in return, definately no celebrities …. people who in the eyes of some are “nobodies” – or invisible. Pastors like this inspire me. Friends like this make me proud! They are living epistles and testimonies of what a Christian ideals stand for.
I’m wondering whether I should continue another Star Trek: the Next Generation Episode or start catching up with the Heroes Graphc Novels. It was good to catch up with my Liberation Theology reading … an hour ago.
Good to get back into blogging groove. Thanks to getting back into some initials beats of comments.
I must admit that you look pretty good in that outfit! ๐ Of course, it’s serves a higher purpose than looks.
Will be praying for safe delivery, and health of mother and child…..and waiting for photos onblog.