10 – Eleven : We, the people, shall be heard and we shall prevail
I felt that the youtube video shouldn’t have the priority of listing even though this is a set of random links. After reading Haris Ibrahim’s post and the final picture he put up … This kind of spirit is the right kind to move us … I salute you Amri of Shah Alam.
* * *
This exchange will be on the lips of many conversations this week.
Some Quick Updates On The BERSIH People’s Gathering
Perhaps some links overload might satisfy? There’s a good collection here.
Comedy Hour & The Text Of The BERSIH Memorandum
I don’t think Bob slept last night.
50,000 Malaysians defy ban to demand electoral reforms
RIGHTS-MALAYSIA: Rally Defies Police Ban to Demand Poll Reforms
Thanks to Anil Netto for some perspective. I’ll be watching out for tomorrow’s papers to have some contrast 🙂
I found the author’s imaginary dialogue with the ministers worth some reading. I wonder how would they react? Then again, nowadays we can guess pretty easily.
“In his arrogance, the Minister of Information sneered, “Do you believe thousands of people will be coming for the rally? Don’t be so silly as to be taken in by them,” he said, adding that even the Umno annual meeting could not gather such a number of people.
Well Zam, what have you to say now? These are ordinary people who don’t need to be enticed with pocket money, transport and nasi bongkus. When you genuinely walk for justice, you are driven by noble ideals and propelled by sincerity. It is this commitment to the values that we hold dearly that has brought out people in solidarity to raise an issue and to state a point.
What has Nazri to say about this mammoth crowd who braved the rain and faced the risks involved and displayed an indomitable spirit to seek justice and right the wrong? He had haughtily dismissed the crowd of 2,000-odd lawyers who also had marched in an attempt to stop the rot in the judiciary as being in the minority.
Well, Nazri if you had dared to persuade the police to allow the proposed march to proceed unhindered, then you would have witnessed a crowd that would have been bigger than the Kesas Highway gathering.”
Good updates here
Nov 10: How they painted it yellow
I really liked the pictures of the peaceful Malaysian citizens picking up the trash on the floor. Really matches the main name/theme of the coalition … “Bersih!”
Teargas used on rare Malaysia demo
CNN finally jumps in the bandwagon.
Minag Jinggo “Perarakan BERSIH” Pictures
An awesome view …
10/11: Scenes of 10 November 2007 and 10/11: More scenes of 10 November 2007
Let the pictures speak … I was moved to extra respect when I saw someone being pushed on a wheelchair. My country needs more prayer and wisdom. Lord have mercy …
I thought Lim Kit Siang’s closing comments were amusing and yet perhaps represents many people’s view point especially after overhearing Zainuddin on RTM1 last night:
“One other thing Abdullah should do is to get rid of Zainuddin as the new Press Censor and his “Truth Gatekeeper” to decide what reports and photographs the media should publish for him to see – which will only ensure that Malaysia’s press freedom ranking, which plunged by 32 slots to the worst placing of No. 124 in the 2007 Freedom Without Borders (RSF) worldwide press freedom ranking, will plummet even lower next year!”
Time for change and Why I care
A historical day in Malaysia *edited*
A more personal look from those who were not there but concerned locally and abroad.
i witnessed dangerous democracy (edited for accuracy+pics)
my take on AAB’s decision and response to 10th November BERSIH’s march
Views from those who were there.
I am thoroughly disappointed by the articles in the local media and the government’s attempts to cover-up, point fingers and ultimately.. do nothing. Their response today makes me sick. I really hope that Malaysians will find out the truth.
anyway.. I stumbled upon a blog with some very thoughtful reflections about the rally.
hi sivin,
i met up with kia meng and some others at burger king that saturday before getting tear gassed for the first time in my life… hahahha….. just wanted to thank you for taking the effort to get our IC numbers and the prayers while we were there even though your wife had just given birth the day before.
this country needs more Christian leaders in the vein of Raj and yourself, where ignorance ain’t bliss and the fate of this country and its people is contained in prayer that is backed up by action.