THE LORD will give you a sign.
Look, the young woman
is with child and shall bear a son,
and shall name him Immanuel.
Liberating God,
teach us
how to refuse the evil
and choose the good. Amen.
– Alive Now
(via Upper Room Daily Reflections)
I’d like to wish everyone a blessed Christmas this season. It’s been a wonderful season for me personally and as a family (especially with the arrival of baby Ewan whose smile brightens up my days!).
My prayer is that in times like today we will all be freed from our self-imposed or other inflicted prisons which make us a pretty lousy neighbor, friend and family member. May God liberate us to be the kind of people he has called us to be, to do what we are supposed to do, and share true freedom to all that this world here and now, will be deterred from becoming a living “hell”, but rather have a glimpse of “heaven”.
Allow me to share pleasant “greeting” or blessing from the New Testament … 2Thessalonians 1.2:
“Semoga Allah Bapa kita dan Tuhan Yesus Kristus mengurniai kamu berkat dan kesahteraan”
And if you are available tonight, join us at 8.30pm for a Christmas eve Worship gathering at Bangsar Lutheran Church.
Tomorrow there won’t be a service at BLC, I’m off to visit Christian Life Gospel Centre at 10.30am…:-)
May you be blessed this Christmas with peace and the presence of Jesus.
Blessed Christmas to you and your family and a Happy New Year. God bless one and all.
Thanks Jason and Alex for dropping your blessings 🙂