Leron Shults has arrived safely, and we’ve had a pretty good intro to Kuala Lumpur I think 🙂 He looks happy, and we’re happy to have someone who’s so open and willing to interact with us for the Day seminar 9.30am -4.30pm as well as Evening meeting at 8pm, Friday, January 18, 2008 at Bangsar Lutheran Church.
I’m especially interested when I heard how he will link issues on our concerns-preoccupations-fears about SEX, MONEY, FOOD, and FAME to becoming human and becoming God’s people. That was a delightful twist to the content of the program. 🙂
Hmmm… so food is now listed with the other 3 terrible trappings of life too, eh? That’s progress for you.
Phek Kin, Leron had a twist when he used food as a starting point together with the rest 🙂 It’s not all seen as inherently as “terrible trappings” of life. The focus is how the way we desire and fear them affects our relations with ourselves, others and with God. Now, that was progress in the way we talk and think about them.
Hi sound interesting too tired for a night seminar after a whole week of busy working. Anyway do you guys recorded the message maybe i can place an order for it if you do record. 🙂
RC, I’ll try to blog some of my thoughts as much as possible maybe tomorrow. But, we don’t have any recordings we can make available to the public. Give me an email and we’ll see what we can do.