One of the highs for me this week, to catch up with old friends and getting to know new ones. While it was FREE for all of us, many thanks to those who made the Monday dinner a reality. Someone paid for it and Pastor Victor Wong managed to organize it with his team. I heard we might have more to come. 🙂
Each of us present had our own uniqueness, and special calling in our respective context. Nice to have the wives or husbands (and also kids) join the event. Very often they are left out.
The friendships are what holds us all together, as well as a commitment to Christ and what we believe God has called us to do to fulfil His vision for this world. Apart from that, I think there is room for much diversity.
Personally, I’m discovering more and more the road I’m traveling … not sure whether it’s the one less traveled, but I know I’m not alone. I think it’s appropriate to acknowledge my amazing wife May Chin, and fantastic kids .. inquisitive-looking baby Ewan, Yawning-tenderhearted Gareth, Determined-cheeky Elysia!