It’s been a little too long since I did a Malaysian Random Links post … here’s some for the Chinese New Year … just to catch up with so much that is happening.
Does The Barisan Nasional Believe In Their Own Spin?
I was just having a good plate of Hokkien Mee after a wake one evening, and watching the video montages on RTM is embarrassing but then some might actually believe it right?
Reading from a former insider is fascinating. Anyway, I haven’t bought a MSM paper since January 1, 2008. I had no need, sometimes I can just get a quick glance at the petrol station 🙂
I’m a little late …on this … but then it’s worth posting it up just in case anyone might have missed it.
1. The People’s Voice (English)
2. The People’s Declaration (English)
How sincere are these apologies? So, what’s next after the words? I can understand more and more why my Hindu and Indian friends are hurt and disappointed.
Bertepuk Sebelah Tangan Itu Angan-angan
Bagusnya soalan berikut … I need to brush up my grasp of the National language!
"Bagi yang Muslim, masihkan Islam menjadi rujukan nilai dan moral mereka? Masihkah akhlak ada tempat dalam kehidupan?
Bagi yang non Muslim, apakah sumber rujukan nilai dan tingkah laku mereka? Membelakangkan soal agama, bukan hanya mengundang bencana di Akhirat (yang tiada tempat dalam bahasa dan sentimen pilihanraya), tetapi ia juga menjahanamkan kualiti hidup kita di SINI.
Itu bahasa dunia untuk menjelaskan fungsi agama."