The Micah Mandate is the "result of the concerns and aspirations of a group of Christians who are praying that all Malaysians in general and Christian Malaysians in particular will be more constructively engaged in matters of social conscience, public service and nation building rather than to only remain in comfortable armchairs criticising other people…
Day: May 6, 2008
Andy Mckee – Guitar – Drifting
I’ve always been fascinated when the guitar turns percussion!
Beyond Labels: Don’t Ask What, Ask Why: Information Session On Neuro Development & Learning Efficiency
Up to 1 in 5 children suffer from some form of learning disability like dyslexia. You are invited for an information session to create a greater awareness and understanding regarding those whom learn differently or have difficulties especially children. Bangsar Lutheran Church and Hilslearning jointly organizes this special event especially for professionals & families concerned…
Countdown 1: The Micah Mandate
We are ready …. but before we take another step, here’s a glimpse of the heart of Micah Mandate.