IHow to Lose 20 lbs. of Fat in 30 Days… Without Doing Any Exercise
Is this really possible? Tim Ferris proved it …
Is it okay to be angry at God?
whether it’s okay or not, the fact is some of us do … the question is what’s next after we get angry? Turn Green? ARRGHHHH …
That’s why I think it’s fruitless to argue about whether we should have buildings or not.
Tim Russert and Tiger Woods inspire me to do my tasks with greater focus and determination
Good one …
They both inspire me to approach life’s duties with more focus and energy. Russert worked at Meet the Press for some 19 years. His integrity and outstanding work eventually became clear to everyone. Woods worked at the game of golf from the time he was in diapers. Most of us are doing mundane things tomorrow morning. I am studying German and writing a paper on John Howard Yoder. But I think Russert and Woods inspire me to do both of those things a bit better. Work, excellence, focus, integrity . . . they are often done in the darkness of the mundane but these things do impact people. Eugene Peterson borrowed Friedrich Nietzsche‘s phrase, "a long obedience in the same direction" for the title of his book. Will we do what we are called to do tomorrow with determination to do it well? Eventually, it will impact people and bring glory to God. We can trust God for the results.
A step forward beyond polarizing debates?
Bakker, 32, who has led his own Revolution Church since 1994, said he was drawn to help Soulforce’s efforts by the group’s willingness to engage religious leaders, not fight them.
"I liked it because it wasn’t protesting, it was trying to have conversation," Bakker said Sunday. "I know from experience what happens when Christians start gossiping and rejecting other Christians."
But he DID exercise… what is he talking about?
10am – breakfast
1pm – lunch
5pm – smaller second lunch
“”7:30-9pm – sports training””
10pm – dinner
12am – glass of wine and Discovery Channel before bed
Anyway, 70% of weight-loss is about nutrition. But it doesn’t guarantee that you will look good if you focused 100% on it.
Loved the U.S. Open. And I don’t usually watch golf.