Finally, after 8 years, I can say with a grateful heart and a smile on my face, that I have a proper name card to give out! 🙂 Feel free to share in the comments what comes to your mind when you see the design and colors …
Planting Seeds for a Better World
Very snazzy indeed!
Wah! Berlubang!
OKN – wow, my limited vocab needed to check out what snazzy means! 🙂
Bob K – That’s one way of looking at it, but it’s meant to look through it .. I’m sure you can guess where I’m heading with that.
Wow, cool card! Good way of starting a conversation – the cross (with a hole), when people ask about it.
cool. VERY cool =) makes a cool bookmark too. It’s Hole-y. heh =)
something out of the norm and creative
Holey card! 🙂
florenceloo – you have put your finger on an important value for me, the need for conversation and interaction then the mere passing of information 🙂
minishorts – remember hearing me saying stuff like … “we need to see life through the cross?”
mysh – bookmark huh? I am a book worm.
rough cut – many thanks to the designer on the out of the norm and creative bit. He’s the best in the industry!
Paul Long – trying to be hole-listic mah!
gimme one! ’nuff said! 🙂
peiling – it’s a limited edition and it’s going fast! 🙂
It’s good but I don’t really like crosses.
Awesome design…one question, how did you cut out a design so neat? Were their any specific tools needed?