Had some coffee so I’m not sleeping yet, and yet strangely I do feel a little sleepy. Irony?
I was told that I’ve been using the word “irregardless” when I should be saying “regardless”. Well, irregardless of what I have been saying, I might use it occasionally regardless. 🙂 for shock effect? or irritation?
It’s always nice to meet those who are not my usual sphere of relationships. The past 8 years, I’ve found myself surprisingly have enriching experiences hanging out with academics, activists and artists in addition to the regular more mainstream audience which are can equally shock and awe.
Tonight, I’ve been drawn to re-look at what most people consider as “junk”. I admit I’m a natural collector. But then, what’s more exciting if one can “see” the treasure in the trash! There is a redemptive streak in this line of thinking.
John 20:21 and it’s surrounding contexts always reemerges when it’s near BLC’s anniversary. I’ve found myself dwelling in this passage again and again in the light of fresh contexts.
There are times when we have done all we’ve done, both in big ways and small steps. For me, it has also been a prayer saturated kind of activism as well, and yet, one sits down in a late night like now, and can only wait and see, and trust God working in this strange course of history.
Pause. Breath slower. Listen to the silence. Take note of the little sounds. The clock ticks. The notebook fan is blowing. The keys beneath the fingers sing back with random rhythms.
Needed some space. REALLY did. Had some. Energized a little bit more. But then, not all can understand why this requirement helps with the sanity section of the brain. And yet, it’s so necessary.
Creative space does wonders for people like me. It’s a gift.
Structure while at first sight does not seem to be part of my way of functioning, but I appreciate the freedom it brings when it’s not stifling.
The breathing is better regulated. The rhythm of the air healthier I think. The surroundings are still the same. But the being is a little better.
Well, SPACE is something everybody needs to recharge themselves. After all, in order to move up the next level of relationship with the LORD also requires us to quieten down our spirits and have quiet time with HIM.
irregardless of what happened, we’re still friends. check out my post. http://gregorychang.wordpress.com/2008/09/20/irregardless/
Angie – I think the challenge for many of us is that we know we need the space, but often we are on autopilot and forget to “get away” from our urgent distractions, It’s hard work.
g – whatever it is, we don’t die for words.