We had a good start for the 15 Week Church History course last Tuesday and will continue this coming week. We are still open for new students if there are those who are interested.
Rev. Wolfgang Grieninger is taking the first three sessions while I will continue on to the end. Below is a glimpse of those who dared to come for the first class.
In addition to the course, since we do not have a combined Reformation worship service with other Lutheran Churches this year, how about using the day where we commemorate Luther’s posting of the 95 theses on the Wittenburg Castle Church door to allow for some generative thought in our own context. Luther is kind of a proto-blogger if you ask me Join us and let’s see what ripples may happen!
Reformasi 1517 : Conversations on The Relevance of Martin Luther’s Life and Thought for the Malaysian Context Today
Amongst the many themes which emerged in Luther’s struggle during the Reformation period, what are the historical resources we can tap on as we confront the issues of our day as Christians and the Church in Malaysia? In what ways do we see similarities and differences, what could be ways forward?
What kind of “reformation” is needed for Christians and the Church in Malaysia today as we are faced with much uncertainties and challenges both internally and externally in all social, cultural, political, theological dimensions? How can we discern God’s will and know Him in the midst of our struggle to be faithful to the Gospel here and now?
8pm Friday, 31 October 2008
The Father’s House
Bangsar Lutheran Church
(see location map)
Rev Sivin Kit
Lutheran Church in Malaysia & Singapore
Rev Wolfgang Grieninger
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria
So, wait… we’re going to nail 95 theses on the doors of Putrajaya? 😛
Its gonna take more than 95 theses to redeem this regime 😀