The Micah Mandate is going through changes too and hopes to have a new look soon. At the mean time, we are still having material for intellectual digestion in her current format! :-) One of our initiators Bob Teoh gives us a double!
Barack, My Friend By Bob Teoh
Whew! My friend Barack has made it into the White House after some nail biting moments. What I like about the new President-elect is that being despite in a hurry to get to the Grand Park in Chicago, Illinois, to deliver his victory speech to thousands upon thousnads of supporters like me, he took the trouble to shoot me a personal email for helping him in his long campaign ..
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Grace and Humility By Bob Teoh
In defeat, John McCain, displayed grace and Barack Obama, in victory showed humility. This, thus, is the hallmark of great leaders. This is what democratic elections is all about. This is also what makes the difference between a first world nation and a banana republic ..
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The following illustration from Patrick Moberg adds context and perspective 🙂 Probably not the whole story but an significant one.
(HT: Chris Corrigan)