I think Jesus called us to be shrewd as serpents and kind as doves, but most of the time we tend towards operating like hawks.
It’s been a crazy way to begin the year. I thought I could ease into the rhythm. I never expected to be thrown in and find myself in places I’ve didn’t imagine I’d be in at least so soon.
But then . life is full of surprises.
It’s strange how my “Streamyx Mega-Slow” post still gets comments 🙂
The word “violence” occupied my whole morning breakfast whether it’s what’s going on in the middle east, to someone getting punched in the face during a convocation, or a taxi driver who stopped his car in front of another and yelling at the passenger in the taxi behind, and the image of a weak think migrant worker being robbed before our eyes.
Lord have mercy .
What on earth is going on here? Some would change the word “earth” to “hell” . and they are not using it in a swearing way but in a way which seems to reflect reality nowadays.
My mind wondered the other day on the few major global events which had been interspersed during some key decisions in my own life.
The relationship between the local and the global is shown to be so much more reflexive than we thought it was in theory.
Had a lot of thoughts the whole day. But can’t seem to get into a writing or blogging mode.
It’s Monday. Sometimes it’s easier. Today it isn’t.
The week will be intense starting tomorrow.
Serpents. Doves. Hawks. But then if there are Vultures then this exercise in metaphors is getting scary.
This post is really a series of random thoughts.
Better end nice.
Gareth’s photos are really good. I love seeing the world through his eyes.