I’m off to “get some dinner” (it’s a version of getting things done! 🙂 ) But seriously, I’m still working out how the insights of David Allen works with my kind of make up. I like his ideas and I’m using some of the concepts. Some I’m still struggling to get it done right. Well,…
Day: May 26, 2009
Conversation Between Miroslav Volf & David Martin
I found the first 10 minutes already engaging. I want to go for 40 winks but believe it or not this is stopping me. What is it about? Professor Miroslav Volf sits down with David Martin, Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics, to discuss the state of faiths in the world…
Miroslav Volf’s Hour of power message: February 8th 2009
New Identity. New Future. New Past. Food for thought during afternoon siesta. Nice little accidental discovery again on youtube. 🙂