Tan Soo-Inn has been a wonderful personal friend and companion. He would be one of the consistent guest speakers we’ve had through the years. He’s been more than a guest speaker, he’s a true and faithful friend of Bangsar Lutheran Church (BLC).
Throughout the years, one of the important criteria for me when I invite people to be guest speakers for BLC is that there must be a real relational connection. Some would be deeper friendships like Soo-Inn, others would be a little looser (or maybe linked with someone else we know well). Because it’s not just “parachute preaching” we’re looking for, i.e. jump in, do the stuff and go off. The speaking or preaching is merely the tip of the iceberg of other conversations we have outside of formal settings.
It’s also been a great joy for us to see how the ministry of Graceworks has grown and developed too. Both Bernice and Soo-Inn played and continues to play a significant role in the lives of different people in BLC whom in the Spirit’s own special way have made a delightful bond.
🙂 Come to think of it, I’m still intrigued how Soo-Inn and I built an initial bridge, spend the continuing years witnessing God’s grace at work in our friendship with one another, and simply cheering each other on. Maybe that’s what guest speakers do in a way. On one hand, come and cheer us on in our pilgrimage wit Jesus, and then since all true ministry is mutual, they too are cheered on in their own adventures.