CHRISTIAN FEDERATION OF MALAYSIA (PERSEKUTUAN KRISTIAN MALAYSIA) Address: 10, Jalan 11/9, Section 11, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Telephone: (03) 7957 1278, (03) 7957 146, Fax: (03) 7957 1457 Email: 9 August 2010 CFM CONCERNED OVER “FORCED” CONVERSIONS OF THE ORANG ASLI PEOPLE The Christian Federation of Malaysia is very concerned by…
Day: August 10, 2010
The Political Ethic of Solidarity
There is a lot said here that resonates with me. I think I need to read up more.
Random Links 396 on #Evangelism #Conversion & #Proselytism
Joint declaration on the freedom of religion and the right to conversion It seems to me rather than side stepping this matter it’s better to be up front about it. In Norway, they have taken the initiative to combat islamophobia. How about in Malaysia? Combat christophobia anyone? The Islamic Council of Norway and the Church…