“Don’t accept any simplistic responses to this movie. Though there’s a sense in which there’s nothing whatsoever subtle about it, nonetheless subtleties abound; on topics as fraught as the suffering and execution of Jesus of Nazareth — especially when they’re taken up into a media-cultural phenomenon — you’ll benefit from seeking out as nuanced responses as you can find.”
… that’s how this thoughtful review entitled The Mystery of The Passion starts … wise words
I was asked whether I could do a review of the movie (well .. I’ll try when i get to watch it … which is I don’t know when), I said It will be extremly biased and possibly emotional, for now I’m reading this review and waiting to watch the movie for myself and then make up my own mind … so far preaching from some passages from Luke based on the Lectionary is doing me much good to prepare for Good Friday!
Well, look forward to your ‘biased’ review anyway. Thanks for sharing the review of the Passion. Have been reading a lot of comments out there, this one definitely one of the more satisfying ones.
I guess at the end of the day, the main thing is that Jesus is back on the lips of the populace with a more serious (reverential?) tone – rather than the distasteful hippie caricatures or downright disgusting liberal arts treatment(e.g. submerged in urine and the like).