From textweek O God, Our Words Cannot Express (Tune: ST. ANNE CM “O God, Our Help in Ages Past”) O God, our words cannot express The pain we feel this day. Enraged, uncertain, we confess Our need to bow and pray. We grieve for all who lost their lives… And for each injured one. We…
Month: December 2004
Random Thoughts before Seremban Trip
In the past, I might just be praying for what’s happening right now after the earthquake and tsunami in this region. But, besides genuine heartfelt intercession there’s also an authentic desire for action. Thanks Bob Jots for constant updates and providing the
My Faith So Far
The last time I finished reading a book in less than three days was by A New Kind of Christian by Brian McLaren (I think I took longer for the sequel The Story We Find Ourselves In), It’s amazing how I related to much of the “fiction” in the books with my own faith journey….
Where is God?
During our prayer meeting last night, a lot of “Why?” questions came up (even during the prayer time), there was also “how could this have happened?” kind of feeling through out. Then there’s a “What on earth can we do?” and of course “Where is God in all this?”. Thanks Jason for sharing with us…
Tsunami Shock!
We felt nothing because we were deeper in the middle of Peninsula Malaysia. We had no TV. We were not internet accessible. It was supposed to be a post-Christmas break. Which we got our much needed rest. The morning had SMSs coming in. A call for prayer initiated by one of our new BLC members….
Christmas Blog ~ From the Kits
May Chin, Gareth, Baby No.2 on the way and I wish all a merry and blessed Christmas to all our local and global friends and family. We give because God has first given himself to us … for that we are so grateful – for so much, to so many, especially to the ONE. Emmanuel…
Random Thoughts on Christmas Eve Morning 2004
I was surprised and delighted when I got my copy of Newsweek(special double edition – The Who’s Next Issue) today. I just posted something related to our Malaysian Prime Minister yesterday. Obviously from the website I could see the front cover is more for “marketing” purposes or connecting with the targetted readers. Hmmm… Why? Because…
Yes Prime Minister .. Thanks
I remember getting a Christmas card from the new Prime Minister of Malaysia Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi back in 2003. so I was wondering whether he’ll do it again. Well, yes he did. It’s a nice gesture. I wonder how other pastors and church leaders feel when they get this card.
Emergent – Malaysian Style Xmas I
I like what Tony Joneswrote for the Worship Leader Sidebar about what is Emergent?, I think we can be seen as part of “the friendships with church leaders around the world, all of whom are on a similar quest of rediscovering the gospel in their contexts.” _______________________________________________________________ Emergent is a fairly loose gathering of pastors,…
Random Thoughts before Tonight’s Christmas Party
“I believe with all of my heart that God’s people possess God’s provision to accomplish and fulfill God’s purposes in the world.” (from genereous giving quotations)— Joel Vestal, founder of ServLife International I was just thinking “Not bad, he has a quote next to David Livingstone, cool!)… And, hey! I hung out with this guy…