At first I thought could it just be me? I dont’t think I’m the only guy who resonates with a big chunk of the stuff in Emergent Village right?
Then some emails exchanges transpired. The next thing is three of us young men met up – three pretty good looking I must say (all praise to the creator! *grin*) Three coming from quite different starting points but with common questions and apparently converging on a similar journey and of course one must mention some interests sparked by Brian McLaren and NT Wright and some other cross-interests here and there (actually there was a fourth one – most “cool” looking chap actually was and still is stuck in UK at the moment, we await thy return oh philosopher).
We lay silent for some time … but began blogging (or tried to) but the emails, the phonecalls, and whenever possible face to face meetings but usually separately. A five guy somehow got “included” … then later started blogging I had the honour of meeting him for the first time today … we tried hard to try to meet together but then … it was just typical Malaysian schedules (read – busy! – for all sorts of reasons) I also noticed the lack of female participation here and I was the only pastor (which I didn’t mind)
And then off I went to UK and then later Germany for a month this year. Upon my return I just did a jump first, fear later and we finally fixed a meeting and asked some interested females and other friends to meet up … had interest even coming from those who read this blog.
Some could make it, others said maybe the next round, one fell sick and others due to other reasons. I was happy three wives turned up (that increased female participation immediately together with another three ladies! Thus a total of 6) One Toddler and one baby were eaves dropping … and the 6 of us guys
(wow! it’s the number 12 for adults! )
Not bad for a start … let’s see what’s going to happen when we meet again in November 6.
Now, I have 101 things I’m reflecting on … all in all … Thank you, Lord. My heart is full of gratitude as well as a load of questions to ponder.
Yay!… first step of a thousand miles journey. Thanks for the pics. See you all in Nov 6th!
whoah! i got my beautiful feet captured online! 🙂