Well … tonight I’ll get some decent sleep and start reading the stuff I want to after finally completing something I have procrastinated for four years namely just the entrance exam to see whether they accept me for the Masters programme. 6 hours answering six questions – on the Old Testament, the New Testament and Ethics. That’s after finished three papers on Church History, Theology and Missiology.
It’s a good feeling, a burden lifted in a way. My friend Augy which is very instumental in getting me back on track in this matter short messaged me on the phone and said “It is finished” you bet! To be honest, it has merely begun, but I’m glad his old friend will be “jogging” with me along the path these coming years. I realize when their’s some one who comes along and gives us a little nudge we can go far together, for that I’m thankful!
Am I allowed to say it’s a bit of a sexy pose, Pastor S!!!
Wow, pastor..I don’t recall seeing you with so much of a moustache! It’s got that ‘artist’ look, working on a painting or a book 😉