This is a precious picture of the two most senior pastors in the Lutheran Church in Malaysia. Rev. Muthiah (who’s retired and more than 80 and in fantastic health especially after a recent operation). And of course, Bishop Gideon Chang (who’s finishing his term next year and is above 65)
Maybe many didn’t really hear it, I guess they did. But as Bishop’s Translator on Tuesday this week for our last Lutheran pastors prayer gathering for the year, I caught it loud and clear and translated it from Mandarin to English accordingly. He said, “This should be my last Christmas prayer meeting and lunch celebration as the Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Malaysia…” Indeed we will be in for a significant transition in the year 2005 as far as leadership is concerned.
We spent some time praying together more for the future actually … there are many challenges ahead not only for each of us personally as pastors but also as “catalysts” for the churches God has entrusted us to lead. Many pastors I know in the church as a whole are facing changes more than we can catch up with,
A group family picture … is appropriate. I look pretty puffed up in the picture if you can find me 🙂
And of course, the last Christmas lunch with Bishop in his third term. Interesting to have Pastor Linda (on the left) who’s doing a fabulous job leading a young church in Rawang. And next to her, Judy (on the right) an office staff in the headquarters who represents those working behind the scenes in support of the work of the church. We had loads of fun just goofing around …. as the good food was served to us.
Hey, I am a friend of Dewgem. Was just browsing around..was the picture taken at Luther House?