someone asked me about the Apocrypha last night … I realised though I had some basic answer and reponse which I think is ok – my historical and content details are very rusty (*grin*).
I think many of the new Christians who come to our church have asked this before why there are more books in the Roman Catholic Bible. So, when I saw the book above for such a good price at the Glad Sounds bookstore sales .. I quickly got one for the church library. I think it’s a good intro to the questions and issues raised by inquisitive friends..
Here’s what Scot McKnight, Karl A. Olsson Professor in Religious Studies, North Park University blurbs for the book ..
“When it comes to books on the Bible, students are often forced to choose between technical systematic theology or detailed commentaries; a good book on the Bible as Bible is hard to find. Further, what students often look for are “facts” about the Bible (how it came into being, how books were selected, how the manuscripts fared, and how the translations were undertaken) and this book admirably provides the kind of facts students need. Charts are abundant, tables everywhere, and the text clearly written and clarifyingly illustrated. This is a delightful book which will serve generations to come.
Here’s a summary & review of the book!
Just glancing through it a while ago I think the visuals will enhance the usefulness for new comers to the faith and those who are interested in the Bible. We’ll leave the more complicated debates another time …