The air-con is cooling … it’s REALLY hot outside.
The course is flowing smoothly much better than I expected. Maybe I was “pressurizing” myself too much 😛
Very good students … open conversations … probing deeper … exploring new frontiers for some. Maybe a nudging question is whether all this “spiritual formation” stuff works in a youth ministry context or how can it work?
Looking forward to go home and see Gareth tonight .. ok see Elysia and May Chin too.
Had an interesting discussion on Icons this morning as well as Yoga 🙂 then again perhaps it’s more of the need for us to work through how we engage our cultures and other religions and also the place of the “body” in our Christian formation.
I wonder whether my course is academic enough, it was funny to talk about this a little during lunch. I’m happy for us to be reflective and have a hunger to research more. interesting how theological education will “evolve” in the near future.
It’s not easy to come out with possible topics to give as assignments. It’s an interesting experience to “lecture” for the first time in seminary. Looks like a lot of facilitation so far 🙂 Probably it’s less about loading the students with “content” (which is important and I point them to plenty) but more about introducing and guiding the “contours” of our reflection together. And hopefully some imagination is sparked.
Class starting in one minutes time.
looks like a pretty place, 🙂
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Hmmm .. is that supposed to mean anything? 😉
God bless.