life is short
Thanks Maggi for this :
“… life is short. It needs to be lived, not dribbled away.
It’s so easy to get complacent, to waste great chunks of life just drifting along being resentful, tired, overworked, angry, or the wrong kind of lazy… Life needs to be savoured. You don’t get it twice. If time is to be wasted, it needs to be wasted properly. If there’s stuff to be angry about, do it thoroughly, then get it over with and move on. If you’re tired, get some decent rest, good food, rehydrate, and get in shape to live a bit more. Don’t waste it. Don’t waste it. “
Does God accept us as we are?
Scot tells us –> “Tom Wright says “no.” Grace, he says, does reach down to us where we are but that same grace, because of the death and resurrection of Christ, is transformative; God’s grace doesn’t accept but transform. But, he does come back agree: “God accepts us were we are, but God does not intend to leave us where we are.” (548). But there’s more …
Lovely ending: “Proving something to be rational is not a proof that God’s grace transforms us, but it might make those in need of that grace turn their hearts in that direction.”
“Stop Church Hopping and Start Church Shopping!” …. useful database. Not too sure about the operating paradigm!
Modelling God
Alwyn and I have a strange way of converging in our reading 🙂 Of course, he’s the better writer, summarizer, reporter, researcher, etc!
“Gracious Magnanimity” – Sentamu’s presidential address
Lots to chew on directed to an English context which I think has wider implications …
“Bishop Lesslie Newbigin is, for me, a great interpreter of the three things we must say about Christ and salvation today in England; how we relate Christianity to an England that has other faiths present. He says we must be:
1. “Exclusive in the sense of affirming the unique truth of the revelation in Jesus Christ, but not in the sense of denying the possibility of salvation to those outside the Christian faith.
2. Inclusive in the sense of refusing to limit the saving grace of God to Christians, but not in the sense of viewing other religions as salvific.
3. Pluralist in the sense of acknowledging the gracious work of God in the lives of all human beings, but not in the sense of denying the unique and decisive nature of what God has done in Jesus Christ.”¹It’s from the Cross that the light of God’s love shines forth upon the world in its fullest splendour.”
Does studying Theology ruin your faith?
It enriched mine.
The Five Steps Again
For me I could use all the pictures to help understand the journey of faith/discipleship .. but the map is very helpful.
egg or omlette church
Food for thought?
Just skimming the Churchshoppers site makes my stomach turn.
didn’t click on all the sites, but i really liked the one with the egg/omelette church!