how to write (Be Lonely, Straight, and True)
“Be fearless. Explain nothing. Justify nothing. See things as they are and write about them. Don’t waste your creative energy trying to make things up. Even if you are writing fiction, write the things you see and know.” I enjoy blogging … I like communicating …I struggle with writing.
How to lose weight without even trying… ( The Cambridge Fives? No, the Cambridge Thirty!)
Someone couldn’t recognize me because of the weight I’ve gained. Of course, i was REALLY skinny when I was in my twenties 🙂 “Nestle’s core advice for good health boils down to three phrases and 10 words:
Eat less.
Move more.
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
If you want to make it more complicated, says Nestle, add five more words:
Go easy on junk food.
(Thanks Maggi for the links above and the attractive “how to” titles)
A few more Presentation How To’s
It’s been quite a while since I’ve spent a little time reading this kind of stuff … good reminders. Be authentic doesn’t mean being sloppy.
A More Satisfying Life…
simple and yet important points to keep in mind … and we could add more!
Ten Christian Teachings You Won’t Find On A Watchblog
Watchblogs will surely have something to reply to this … starting with “you can’t just talk about love, how about truth?”. 🙂
Three oft-misused pieces of logic
another good one from Sven. I’m using the three exhibits for self-examination on this pleasant monday.
A Life Lived Whole (via Len)
Much to chew on … “The divided life comes in many and varied forms. To cite just a few examples, it is the life we lead when:
• We refuse to invest ourselves in our work,
diminishing its quality and distancing ourselves from those it is meant to serve
• We make our living at jobs that violate our basic values, even when survival does not absolutely demand it
• We remain in settings or relationships that steadily kill off our spirit
• We harbor secrets to achieve personal gain at the expense of other people
• We hide our beliefs from those who disagree with us to avoid conflict, challenge, and change
• We conceal our true identities for fear of being criticized, shunned, or attacked
“My knowledge of the divided life comes first from personal experience. A “still, small voice” speaks the truth about me, my work, or the world. I hear it and yet act as if I did not. I withhold a personal gift that might serve a good end or commit myself to a project that I do not really believe in. I keep silent on an issue I should address or actively break faith with one of my own convictions. I deny my inner darkness, giving it more power over me, or I project it onto other people, creating “enemies” where none exist.
” How shall we understand the pathology of the divided life? If we approach it as a problem to be solved by “raising the ethical bar”—exhorting each other to jump higher and meting out tougher penalties to those who fall short—we may feel more virtuous for a while, but we will not address the problem at its source.
“The divided life, at bottom, is not a failure of ethics; it is a failure of human wholeness. ..”