[BLC Christmas Decorations Video]
I was surprised how Gareth enjoyed helping in the decorations! And Elysia watched on with “wide eyed wonder” 🙂 Having Judith’s contribution from a German perspective was a nice cross-cultural input for us Malaysians. I like this year’s decorations. They are simple, and beautiful. The LiFE Group “Lighthouse” did a good job serving behind the scenes – Thanks Hoong Guit and co! (they are known for organizing a great BBQ this year)
In a quiet way, this season of Advent is a good time to prepare one’s heart for Christmas (similar to Lent as a prelude to Good Friday/Easter)
adorable! =)
peiling, wait till you see the kids when they are “irritated!”. They are at their best behavior in this video and so are the “adorable” adults! 🙂