This is one of my favorite videos. And I think it’s timely for me to watch it again and again. One of the things I like about Gareth’s previous kindergarten was the chance for him to interact with people from different backgrounds … the fact is as far as the children is concerned .. the backgrounds didn’t matter so much for their friendship, fun and interaction. Sure, one day as they grow up they would slowly see the differences and with guidance learn to understand, accept, and respect each other. But that’s a more adult-like process, the basis or center before all that is a healthy appreciation of each other.
Today, as I sit here, it’s tempting to allow my vision of the future to be clouded by many of the events which has transpired especially this past one year in our beloved Malaysia. And while I was away for 27 days in Germany, other not-so-encouraging signs sprouted up. Even when I returned we are still confronted with new controversies. The fact is there are problems that we cannot ignore. But one thing is for sure, we need to be watchful of those whom are using tactics which have no regard for the well being of others who are different from them. In fact, we need to resist these unhealthy developments with firmness and confidence as well as a big dose of wisdom and discernment.
And yet, in the midst of the more so called adult-like mature responses. as we also reconsider where we stand in terms of our responsibility as citizens or where do we go from here personally, we cannot and must not lose the child-like wonder and joy demonstrated in this video. For me the video, plugs me into matters of the heart that goes beyond heady meaty analysis and discourse (which are necessary), it also plugs me into a tomorrow (the next 50years?) where our children can be proud of the efforts we put in for place we are all proud to call home.