I’m still “troubled” (to put it mildly) with an outright racist comment I heard today!!! A comment made by a so called “mature” Christian … I felt so ashamed … and still do (Lord have mercy 100times!).
Had another long meeting today … some good news, some bad news (Thanks and help!).
Sad to realize that it’s hard to “trust” people to be “better” .. or to expect the best. Why is that so? Some would attribute it to demonic spirits … I’d focus on acknowledging how messed up we are in our sinfulness for a start! We don’t just need to be “fixed”, we need a total overhaul! (Lord have mercy 1000 times!)
Ate too much these two days,
We have so much to complain … even when we eat too much. Suddenly, I feel ashamed for complaining … with a dose of over eating. Restraint is a hard lesson. Moderation is tough in our overindulgent world! Yes, blame it on the world? Nope … take some personal responsibility! (another Lord have mercy 500 times)
Looking forward to meet two brothers tomorrow … there are different seasons in life where people just step in and enrich us. Another two good brothers are moving on in their life and ministry … one very far away on the edge of the earth, another nearby across the sea. So, I’m thankful for two other friends who are meeting up with me for a cup of coffee tomorrow and see where this “triad” will lead us … (ok … all praise to the Spirit for leading)
Practiced my origami naturally while waiting for people today …
We will be having a short holiday as a family the next few days. I’m looking forward to that. Many thanks to the ladies in Neuendettelsau for making this possible! Danke!
This Advent season is a little different … I find myself more in tune preparing my hear and thinking about stuff.
Sad to see another pastor resign … but then again, in this case it’s perhaps better for him and those around him. Sad but reality.
Glad to see a pastor friend having a fresh start back into pastoral ministry … it’s been hard years for him … I pray for new beginnings in the coming days.
I’m always saddened when people get disconnected with Christ and his church … I’m always glad when a “reconnect” happens … the danger of disconnection is always ever present.
So often, we are asking the questions or raising complaints which lead us away from what we are really seeking.
If I genuinely seek to follow Christ, if I authentically want to “be” as well as “do” all that I am and all that I’m called for, what does it look like?
So many “babies” are thrown out with the “bath water” these days that … I’m seeing “babies” everywhere … time to pick them up! This would involve some effort in cleaning the mess …
Ok I need some “origami” time tonight … perhaps I should learn how to make a Kimono!
These are random thoughts!
Lord have mercy indeed! Life is so complicated and messed up… especially depressing when we who form the church are equally or even more so messed up.:-(
But God is still Sovereign and All Loving and All Mericful. Tahnsk be to God!!!
Random thoughts are good, if a transcendant order brings their stray lines together into a liveable life.
Thanks for the thoughts, Sivin. all are rich in their own right.
Good to hear from you Dan. I like what you said about “transcendant” order and “a livable life”. We don’t merely live in our thoughts, the ideas need legs, and the reflections need action.
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