“… when i’ve been in a church environment in which i’ve not agreed with the teaching it was fun to critique my thoughts and challenge myself as to whether i was just being disagreeable and what i really thought. Having been in a teaching environment for the last yr where i have found myself not only agreeing with much that is taught but finding that actually leads to me wanting to change, to discovering new ways of seeing God, myself, the world and doing something different in response.
…I’ve not really noticed before as to how helpful a regular rhythm it is to go to church. Church for me before has always been about experience – to learn something or to encounter God, to be prayed for, to socialise etc. These are all good things but most helpful is the space i have at least once a week in my otherwise me dominated routine to go and do something that doesn’t immediately give me a buzz. To have space and time to spend orientating my life around God is a precious gift and to do that in a communal setting and here about how God is doing things in the lives of others and what others are doing for God just strengthens that space.
… i’ve not quite realsied how serving others is a spiritual practice which means i’m more likely to be generous/kind/thoughtful/ in moments outside of church. What i’ve found most encouraging is connecting how the things i do help other people, i guess its not twigged before, service was a duty and now it feels more like a pleasure.
… Being able to have church which acts as a place to gather, share, practice, learn, together aids missionary life. Without somewhere to gather and do life together i seriously believe the mission of God’s people starts to flag. Church is not just about sunday, it’s one part of the life of the church but that life is helped by gathering in small and large groups to share God’s story with each other and support and encourage each other to live out a christian life.”
– Paul Mayers, Rediscovering my churchianity – a recant 🙂
What a wonderful question: “So what do you find helpful/encouraging about church?“
I think what’s encouraging about the church is that it’s so diverse and unique. Believers find all kinds of ways to meet and fellowship and worship God. Some meet in church buildings, some in houses, others in coffee shops. I think that’s why the gates of Hell will not prevail against it because God’s church is literally everywhere. And that’s cool!
“… Being able to have church which acts as a place to gather, share, practice, learn, together aids missionary life. Without somewhere to gather and do life together i seriously believe the mission of God’s people starts to flag. Church is not just about sunday, it’s one part of the life of the church but that life is helped by gathering in small and large groups to share God’s story with each other and support and encourage each other to live out a christian life.”
I still searching for this truth hope i will a good reason for church going. *sigh*