I confess I have not done the necessary to hyperlink the relevant words but then I choose to keep the flow going rather than pausing to many times …
– Low –
Bro. Chan a senior Lutheran Church in Malaysia and Singapore (LCMS) office staff meeting a serious motorbike accident and later going through thankfully a successful surgery which took about 7 hours I heard.
Unpleasant experiences due to misunderstanding and different expectations. Haven’t felt so much “un-grace” for a long time.
– High –
Joining the Walk for Justice with the lawyers in Putrajaya. The whole atmosphere was unforgettable.
Pastor Naomi Tan joining BLC as our associate pastor … a quiet surprise which has been good.
Getting to know Dion Forster and the bonus of him pointing me to South African theologians 🙂
– Low –
Being part of the uneasy task to talk with ordination candidates who had a delay in their ordination process.
– High –
Visited the Malaysian Parliament building for the first time 🙂 with the added bonus of being introduced a number of people I would have never imagined we’d cross paths in this context …
Meeting Haris Ibrahim again and joining the Bangsa Malaysia event at the Blog House (being allowed in at the last minute!).
– Low –
Feeling frustrated with the state and quality of pastoral ministry in the Malaysian church.
Overwhelmed by some disappointments and discouragement after BLC’s 7th Anniversary. A painful reality check.
– High –
Guiding Gareth through his minor surgical procedure, seeing him grow in courage and being proud to be his father.
Participating in one of the smoothest well chaired Lutheran Church in Malaysian and Singapore convention I’ve ever attended all these years.
Thanks for your kindness Sivin. Meeting you was also one of the top experiences of my year. It was great to meet someone with such similar interests and theological perspectives!
Rich blessing for the year ahead my friend!