IF WE PRAY for rain, we should carry umbrellas. If we pray for patience, we should expect to find our patience tried and tested. If we pray to be more like Christ, we should expect to encounter the dark, even demonic aspects of human nature. If we want to reach the “full stature” of the humanity displayed to us in Christ, we might as well get ready to welcome, each in turn, all the immaturities that first seem to be obstacles to grace.
– Robert Corin Morris
Wrestling with Grace: A Spirituality for the Rough Edges of Daily Life
One thing I’m growing in greater appreciation, is the reordering of our corporate worship and our personal lives more in line with the church year. It’s about changing the way we look at days, time and seasons. It’s part of the liberating joy in which discipline provides. Yesterday, was Transfiguration Sunday. Dwelling in the story and entering that reality does wonders for me …. I feel I’m lead deeper …. into what it means to be more like Christ. A good little comment and move by Pastor Raj our guest speaker during his not-really-a-sermon sharing 🙂 was how the moment they came down from the mountaintop experience, the disciplines were confronted with a demonized person.
After years of being a Christ-follower, and pastor, I have had my share of mountaintop experiences. Everyone of them have been a milestone for my journey. But it’s the confrontation of darkness and demons whether on the inside or outside, is where the real challenge lies.