Funny because after looking at this picture where I am trying to initiate Baby Ewan to the wonders of potato chips … my mouth is itching again. 🙂
The body is no longer able to push itself as it used to… and I sincerely believe in a more integrated holistic view of the human person. When the body’s energy level is low, everything thing else needs a recharge. How much can one push themselves?
Glad a good friend called to clarify a potential misunderstanding … the fact is still the same, while I may not agree it doesn’t mean I am upset. There’s a difference. Anyway, nice to get a call though. This simple gesture is the best way in dealing with questions in our minds.
Oratio, meditatio, Tentatio – it’s interesting how I’m revisiting these simple and yet profound words reordered by Luther after so many years. I recall looking for a quote for my graduation entry for the graduation magazine for the final year in seminary. And it many ways … prayer, meditation, struggle (or spiritual attack) has been the way I have been led in life and ministry. Still not over yet.
I love Hokkien mee hoon mee! I had it last Tuesday, and tonight as well … yummy. Health wise …? Questionable …
Over-crammed the Church History class today … perhaps some breathing space would have been better. And yet it’s great to hang out with friends like Irenaeus of Lyon a little more. I feel drawn to have more time with him one of these days.
The beauty of learning and the art of life long learning is the joy of revisiting the same subject, theme or person again and again and deepen one’s appreciation of their context, and the content of their life and teaching.
So far, I’m been having lots of conversations with Luther the past 8 years. Spener has always been an ongoing companion since I stumbled upon early German Pietism. Bonhoeffer ranks high for me when it comes to 20th century theologians. And of course, it’s nice to work backwards through this church history course. The Desert Fathers have always connected me to the best of the monastic tradition, and Irenaeus did it for me today …
Of course, I do have some favorites when it comes to mission theology and Leslie Newbigin is top on my list. Some Latin Americans have breathed quite a bit of fresh air for me, with Leonardo Boff as a great usher into their approach there. I’m unsettled on Asian Theologians yet… much of this is still a major work in progress for me… I know who have been influential to get me going … but it’s a long road not into the past for me but more of pressing on to the future.
Strange set of random thoughts tonight … no more energy to write more …:-P