Robbie Williams oh Robbie Williams why is it thy MTVs give me such impressions that I need to get stuff off my chest to feel better? The “Lord make me a better man” has glittered I dunno how many messages, private comments, and personal thoughts. And now, “Manufactured Miracles”… Participants who would go to the…
Day: July 19, 2003
Top Three – Books on “Apologetics”
“Apologetics” at first seems to be about apologizing. It’s not. According to the dictionary, here goes: apologetics (noun) – 1. the branch of theology that is concerned with the defense of Christian doctrines And yet, though I realize this is kind of a official definition. I feel that tends to give an overtly strong…
A Fighting Religion?
I never liked military imagery much to present Christianity because of the abuse nowadays in the media and some freaky Christians (Lord forgive me for being a little unkind here!) But, C.S. Lewis didn’t shy away using it for his purposes in times surrounded by war and conflict. In fact, I felt he rightly uses…