Getting ready …. I’m the huge guy in white with my back facing you! James did a black & white version of this which is nice
An overview shot!
It’s great to have a chance to be Bishop’s interpreter for this occassion.
Bishop asking us very important questions, we answer “Yes, I will … By the help of God!”
When the chaplain for the convention Rev. Tan prayed for us, Gareth was busy trying to grab the cross around my neck, May Chin holding him tight .. I was having a great time enjoying the playfulness of our little boy just being himself in front of God and his people!
Bishop Gideon Chang saying a few things to us ..
James tells me I still look slim in this picture … what a comfort 🙂
Singing and smiling with Mrs. Chang
Bangsar Lutheran Church (those who could make it!) & Friends
Gareth & his papa! (whole family photos coming soon!)
Rev. Sivin,
You look great with that new outfit : )
Wow!Gareth have grown up so much : )
May Chin must be real busy with lots of stuff : )
The BLC’s Family picture look great too : )
I just wish I could be there : (
With Love and Prayer
Wow, how cool are all these photos!!!!! Sivin, it was great to see photos of you and your beautiful boy. It’s been sooo long since I’ve see you guys, I love and miss you all heaps.
God is and will do amazing things with your church, may he bless you heaps!
Love Carmen
It was so encouraging for us to see you at this ordination. This is a promotion of servanthood and a step towards intimacy with the Lord. We are so proud of you, Sivin.
We hope you can still go for movies and mamak … now that you are a reverend. Can we make a request? Wear your ‘Matrix White Coat’ to the mamak with us???
Pr Victor & Kelly Wong
Hey Rev.Sivin…good to see ur family picture! It’s good…God is good! Gareth must be an active child…pray for God’s grace..haha! God bless you adn your family!
Wsuuuuuup cuz! Congrats on your ordination – what a joyous milestone. May God continue to bless and move you as you shephard your flock in M’sia. Thanks for sharing the pictures – wish I was there. Peace and love from CA – Jusson
Greetings Jedi Master Sivin!
It’s an honour to be able to be of service to you in this significant occasion. Glad to have been there!
(I am a photographer for hire. Willing to photograph anyone and any occasion. Willing to travel – overseas too! I accomodate various budgets.) :o)
Sorry… some shameless self-advertising!
Congratulations! (what else does one say when someone gets ordained? “Many happy returns”? I dunno!) But bless you and your family heaps, and we look forward to seeing you when you become a missionary pastor and come to the States! hehehe!
Well, one can hope, can’t one?
Blessings again,
Tom and Tan
The photos are indeed amazing and it was incredibly nice being a part of your most special day. Whilst it seemed a bit stiff and formal at the time (BLC style is SO cool!), it is wonderful to reflect on such occasion. The memory will stay with us forever. Thanks be to God!
What more can one want in life, really?!
May we be thankful for such rich blessings-