Ok last post for today …
I got linked to these qualities and traits helpful from an article “In Search of Servant Leadership” (which actually is part of BLC core values, i.e. godly Servanmt Leadership) … I liked his take on followers too .. we’re always both!
20 Qualities of a Leader
by Larry Matthews
Internal Qualities
1. Character: has integrity, is trustworthy, has high ethics, “walks the talk,” is consistent.
2. Vision: can see “the promised land” in the mind’s eye and heart and the group’s place in that vision.
3. Enthusiasm and optimism: is eager to get on with the task, takes pleasure in the challenge and work, and is not easily discouraged.
4. Passion: cares deeply about outcomes; has conviction and a point of view.
5. Sense of urgency: understands the importance of the passage of time.
6. Imagination: finds solutions and new possibilities, or recognizes them in the ideas of others.
7. Good judgment: is wise and discerning.
8. Humility: has a true servant mentality; puts people first.
9. Devotion: sees life as service to God and intentionally cultivates personal spiritual growth.
10. Courage: knows and accepts that leadership leads to suffering.
External Qualities
1. Communication: excites and motivates others with his or her vision and goals; builds ownership of goals rather than mere acceptance.
2. Work ethic: willingly embraces the work involved in leadership and works hard.
3. Listening: seeks and uses ideas from across the team or organization.
4. Building: accomplishes goals by encouraging, developing and trusting other people.
5. Management: has the skill to recruit, motivate and direct a good team.
6. Priorities: maintains focus and helps others to do the same.
7. Care: empathizes with others and takes their circumstances into account without compromising the vision; is concerned for the spiritual and personal growth of all people involved.
8. Community: builds a supportive and encouraging climate within the organization.
9. Conflict: intervenes as needed for true resolution; is honest and candid with others.
10. Following: has the ability to see their own role in the bigger picture, and the role of the whole enterprise in God’s larger plan.
10 Traits of a Good Follower
by Larry Matthews
By studying descriptions of the qualities of an effective leader, it’s possible to identify the corresponding characteristics of a good follower. Here’s a suggested list. (This exercise assumes that the follower is following a leader who has a vision worth pursuing, has integrity, and possesses at least a modicum of leadership skills.)
The good follower:
1. Listens carefully and asks questions to clarify as needed.
2. Tries to grasp as much of the “big picture” as possible, including the overall vision, how one’s contribution helps accomplish larger goals, and the role and value of fellow team members.
3. Is eager to be held accountable, to submit work to be reviewed and to have performance assessed by leader and peers.
4. Abstains from internal rivalries and cliques.
5. Confronts others, including the leader, when necessary, but in a decent and constructive manner.
6. Supports the leader and fellow workers both in encouragement and through prayer.
7. Takes on uncomfortable challenges when asked.
8. Takes advantage of educational and professional development opportunities so as to have more to contribute.
9. Is proactive in making suggestions, and contributing his or her ideas, input and critique for the benefit of the group.
10. Works hard.
hey, that was great
My friend and I are looking up good Characteristics, and we write them on our hands and try to demonstrate them thought the day. And I found this web site and it had a few I could use. So what I am mostly trying to say is thanx, it was helpfull
in christ always