Here is the The Apostle’s Creed for the New Millennium that is attributed to Rev. Harry Wendt (might want to go myself or send a couple from BLC to his seminars in November, looks interesting – I like pictures). Back to the Creed!
I believe in God the Father Almighty,
Maker and Owner of Heaven and Earth.
We believe that we do not and cannot give God anything,
but merely manage that which belongs to God,
including the body and life God is lending us.
We believe in Jesus the Messiah, God’s only Son, our Lord.
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
lived the life of a humble Servant without limit,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and buried,
The third day he rose from the dead,
and has been declared Lord of the universe, time, death and eternity.
Jesus has not withdrawn but has transformed His presence,
and the Holy Spirit, through through Word and Sacrament, makes known
Jesus’ invisible presence and His message and mission.
While we wait for Jesus to reappear on that Last Day
when He will raise the dead and judge all,
we live to make Him known as Savior and Lord,
and to serve Him by serving those around us.
When He finally reappears, He us in forgiving grace,
thank us for serving Him in His distressing disguises
during life in this present world,
and then welcome us into His Eternal Home
where He will care for us forever.
We believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy Christian Church, the eternal Messianic community,
the fellowship of forgiven, serving saints
striving to live in unity in Christlike serving community.
We believe in, and proclaim, the forgiveness of sin,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.